The singers

What is a singing group without singers? Nothing! So let us introduce you to some of our wonderful members that make our group so great.

  • Name: Barrie
  • Nationality: Welsh
  • Member since: Jan-2024
Barrie 27-07-2024

My wife Barbara and I first came across The Costa Blanca Singers when they were singing in Quesada. We were quite close to them and knew the songs they were singing and we joined in. It was great and I wanted to join them and so afterwards asked Lonée for some details. Since then, we have never missed a day and been in five public performances. We live in Los Montesinos and so for us, it’s a 50 kilometers round trip and it’s worth every kilometer. We wouldn’t miss it for the world. If we couldn’t go, I would feel as though we were letting people down. I would never want to miss it. I have sung previously although it’s a long time ago. I sang at the back in a male Welsh choir, although due to being in the army, I couldn’t commit. I’ve also sung in the church choir when I was in the army. That was when I was 16 through to 23 and the vicar always picked what we sang. I’ve sung nothing else except karaoke in the past and never had any training.
Singing has given me a real purpose. It’s having something to do, to go to, for the community involvement. Singing to the public is wonderful with my peer group. We all grow and develop together. Singing at El Raso when over 2,000 people attended the day to help Ukraine raise funds was fantastic. We knew no-one when we first joined The Costa Blanca Singers and now we have new friends and go to all the social events that the group has. As expats, it’s so good to have a purpose. It’s all about purpose. Martin and Laura are like chalk and cheese and are both very good. They each have their own way which is also good. The warm ups, the different songs, it’s all good. I like that we all help groups that are in need and that we are all doing something worthwhile.

  • Name: Barbara
  • Nationality: Welsh
  • Member since: Jan-2024
Barbara 27-07-2024

We first came across The Costa Blanca Singers at a Christmas Carols and songs event in Quesada. They were singing to raise funds for The Royal British Legion. Both my husband Barrie and I love singing although I’ve had no experience. After the event, we spoke with Lonée to gain some information. We joined in January and have never missed a Wednesday afternoon since. The first time I went, I intended to sit at the back and just see what it was all about. I sat next to Christine and we hit it off straight away. I sang along with everyone and loved it. Everyone was so welcoming. For me, it’s all about the people and the singing. I’ve met new friends and now I’ve got to know them all, I love them. They’re all great. It’s the same at our social gatherings. Everyone has a good time. I didn’t know my voice range prior to joining. I’m also currently adjusting as I get used to new hearing aids. That’s going to help me.
I’ve been in five public performances since March which I have loved. My favourite was singing at El Raso to help raise funds for an ambulance for Ukraine. It’s so good that we can sing and give donations to the right groups in need.
Our music director Martin is wonderful and has us all in the palm of his hand. We would do anything for him!
Laura who is our newest musical director has big boots to fill. And, she can. She’s great. I look forward to singing every week and can’t wait to get there for the love, fun and friendship of it all.

  • Name: June
  • Nationality: English
  • Member since: Sept-2022

I can hardly believe it is nearly two years since I started singing with the Costa Blanca Singers. My friend Wendy went on the first day and she told me all about it. I joined the next week and have been a member ever since.
I have always performed since the age of four, on stage with music and dancing. It makes me feel good to perform to an appreciative audience and I like that people come and enjoy. The main benefits for me are the friendship, feel good factor, comradery and giving pleasure to other people.
I like all the social gatherings that we have, especially the local ones.
I am totally in love with our MD, Martin and I’ve told him so. Laura is also our MD and she is fabulous and has a fabulous voice.
I like that we are able to give donations to the needy from CBS.
I have always been a soprano and I can still hit the notes even though I’m 84. Sometimes these days I feel like I’ve got a frog in my throat since COVID but I still love to sing.

  • Name: Sue
  • Nationality: English
  • Member since: Feb-2024

I first heard about The Costa Blanca Singers from my friend Martin who encouraged me to go along and try it out. He told me it was a fun group. I was totally new to singing having never sung at all except in church. My husband loves singing and I didn’t even sing with him. Since joining, my confidence has grown and I am singing along with everyone and loving the feeling. I’ve met lovely people. I suspected I might be a soprano and now I know I am. My favorite thing about the group is the fun aspect and being able to create the sound as a group. I find it uplifting and now that I have confidence, I sing louder in church. They tell me I have a good soprano voice and now I know. The first performance I did was El Raso and it was great. I’ve performed in three now. At our recent CBS social evening, I sang karaoke with my husband. That was the first time I had the confidence to do that. It felt great. I also like that we are given the opportunity for singing solo lines which is good for the main group to back up.
Our music directors are fantastic. They are encouraging and personable. I also like that we choose songs that suit us all and that we donate to local charities. It gets better and better.

  • Name: Niki
  • Nationality: Irish
  • Member since: Jan-2024

It was on a fun Christmas night out that I was ambushed by Lonée and cajoled into going along to a Costa Blanca Singers rehearsal. Numbers and WhatsApps were exchanged and I joined in January 2024.
I had no previous experience of singing, not even at school. I could sing in front of my husband David, but not in front of anyone else. In choir, it’s different. I can sing. I’ve met new friends and found that singing makes me happy.
I like our social gatherings. When Mummy came to stay from Ireland, she went to singing with us and to our social get together afterwards. She was made so welcome and loved it all. Martin and Laura are great. I’ve only sung once so far with Laura. She’s so lovely and really good. A true professional. I like that we make donations to local needy groups. I’ve already been in five public performances and my favourite was El Raso.
The main bonus for me is the benefits for my mental health. This is also good for my husband as we both get quality space with outside interests that we can then share and talk about. It’s a group activity as opposed to my other interests which are running, cycling and swimming.
Singing boosts my endorphins which is easier than running.

  • Name: Annette
  • Nationality: English
  • Member since: May-2024

Hi, I am Annette. I am now retired and spend 50% of my time in Spain, 30% in UK and 20% travelling! I feel very fortunate to enjoy this fabulous lifestyle! I have been involved in amateur dramatics for over 30 years in my home town of Tetbury. When we decided to spend more time in Spain after retirement I realised how much I missed being part of a dramatic group. So I decided to join a group in Spain. I was lucky enough to take part in 2 productions with Studio 32 (White Christmas and Chicago) which I absolutely loved. But Brexit put an end to my ability to meet all of the rehearsal requirements as we now only spend 90 days at a time in Spain. I love singing, and Martin told me of this very friendly singing group he had joined. And the rest is history! I so look forward to a Wednesday afternoon. Singing really is good for the soul! Everyone has been so welcoming and the energy of the group is amazing. Thanks to Martin and Laura for inspiring us!

  • Name: Barbara
  • Nationality: English
  • Member since: Sep-2022

My husband Dougie and I moved to La Marina in 1986. We had our house built and moved into it in 1989. During our years together,  Dougie and I were never apart. We did everything together. The urbanizacion was very different back then and there were many Spanish people around. We built our life and friendships amongst the Spanish community with easily 90% of our friends being Spanish. We learned the language this way and it didn’t take long to become fluent. It was the only way for me. We had meals out, entertained up to 65 in our garden with BBQs and it was all lovely. Then in October 2000, Dougie passed. My world fell apart and I miss him so much. We have a wonderful family who all live in England and who visit me often. But, I am on my own and it’s very hard. I swim every day and love gardening but have been advised to have help with the garden now. In 2022, my friend Wyn, who now lives in England, asked me if I would go with her to the carers group who meet for company, drinks and a chat twice a week. I ventured along. I had only been going for a short while when I met Lonée there. She told me of a new singing group that she was about to start up with some friends. Lonée also invited me to an information afternoon to find out all the details of the new singing group. My daughter thought it could be good for me, so I went along. To be honest, it was the company I was after rather than being totally on my own. Before Dougie passed, I had never done anything on my own, not until I joined The Costa Blanca Singers. I went along and have been singing with the group ever since. They are the only friends that I have now as I don’t really go out much unless people in the choir ask me. I love Wednesday afternoons. It is the highlight of my week. I also love our social events especially the last one which was a karaoke fun night. I even sang karaoke for the first time ever. My friend Wendy said to me, come on, we’re singing. It was so good. I felt brilliant. I’ve never done anything like that before. At our singing practices, I always sit next to Carol. She helps me with all the song sheets and words. I am dyslexic and struggle with words. For me, the way that I learn the songs is to practice at home singing the songs and that is the only way I can learn. That’s exactly the same as how I learned to speak Spanish. I talk it or sing it. I love our public performances where ever we sing and my favourite song was when Martin sang solo Rule the World and we joined in the chorus. It was brilliant. I would never miss a Wednesday afternoon!

  • Name: Brian
  • Nationality: English
  • Member since: Jan-2023

My whole life has changed in so many ways since I joined the Costa Blanca Singers.                             My wife Linda and I moved to La Marina in 2006.  In my earlier years, the only time I had sung and very briefly, was at school. I didn’t last long as I was always mucking about so I was asked to leave. I joined the army when I was 17 which I really enjoyed and in particular spending time in Aden. On leaving, I met Linda at a friends engagement party and we married soon after. I became a London bus driver for 19 years. Number 23 to be precise between Becontree Heath and Marylebone Station. Linda and I always did everything together including touring England with our caravan. And, we were blessed with our son Ian who means the world. In La Marina the only thing Linda and I did separately was I would sing with headphones on whilst on my treadmill and she went to a Tuesday afternoon club. It was through that we met wonderful friends. In particular, Marj and Alan. He had the most wonderful sense of humour. We were so close.Then on May 3rd 2022 after a very short illness, Linda passed, just one month shy of our 55th wedding anniversary. This shattered my world. The first eight months were devastating. I spent most of that time at home, not going out much and not seeing many  friends. It was very difficult.  Then our friend Cynthia persuaded me to have dinner with her at the then, J’s restaurant. I wasn’t sure. I can come across as someone who is quite outward but in reality, it’s different. That night, The Costa Blanca Singers were there having their first Christmas party. They handed out song sheets to any of us that wanted to join in an impromptu singalong. It was fun and Lonée of CBS spoke to me and said, do you sing? I said only badly. She encouraged me to la la la through the notes and promptly told me that I was talking rubbish and that I should join CBS and give it a go. I felt quite excited and joined in January 2023. At that time, there were only 4 male singers and I felt I fitted in immediately. I have sung with them ever since, enhanced the male parts and since then, many more men have joined us. I have even sung a solo in our rehearsals. I also sing in all of the wonderful public appearances. I was asked by group member Lesley, to help Bazza with the lifting, shifting and setting up of the music equipment. I had never done anything like this before but have now learned how to set up all the equipment. It feels good to be able to help and do positive things. At our last performance, I was able to set it all up on my own. I have made so many really good friends and The Costa Blanca Singers have been a life line to me. Another member, Lucy encouraged me to go along to the Carers group who meet twice a week. At first, I wasn’t sure but I went along. What a great decision that was. Not only have I made more friends but I have also met Jean. Over time, our friendship developed into so much more and we are now together as a couple. We go to quizzes, music bingo, BBQs, drinks and meals out. My son Ian and family are delighted for me. Soon, Jean and I are off on an adventure. We are back packing our way across Morocco. Jean is a seasoned traveler and I have always wanted to have this type of adventure. Thank goodness I went along for that Christmas meal. I’m out and about and able to live a new chapter.

  • Name: Collette
  • Nationality: Scottish
  • Member since: Jan-2024

My husband & myself retired to Spain on the 26th of November 2022 much earlier than anticipated. I met my husband George when I was a student nurse doing my psychiatric placement. Both of us spent our careers in the NHS. I also nursed in the charity & private sector but always came back to the NHS. I always felt I owed them, they trained me and gave me a great life & wonderful memories. My nursing speciality is in Palliative Care. A role that I much loved although it can be sad but also oh so joyful. Having the privilege of being present & part of someone’s journey makes you relish every sunrise & sunset you have the pleasure to see. Unfortunately in December 2020 as Covid ravaged I succumbed to it with the devastating effects of Long Covid, to both my physical & cognitive health. This resulted in me having to end my nursing career. Therefore the decision to move to Spain was expedited.
We met CBS in Quesada at the Big FM Christmas Carol Concert 2023. Obviously after a few mulled wines & meeting Lonée & her very beautiful personality we exchanged numbers. We started in January 2024. For the first time in our 31 years married we are doing something together which we both enjoy. The culture of CBS is anyone is welcome with open arms. It’s not just a singing group but people who care for each other. We recently attended our second social event with them I even sang karaoke. We have sang at 4 events this year. The most humbling experience was singing at El Raso to raise money for an ambulance for Ukraine.
I so look forward to every Wednesday with our fantastic and patient MD Martin & DMD Laura. I even took my aunt with us when she was over, she loved it. It helps my health both cognitively & physically. It gives me a reason to smile & be so thankful for the life I now have.

  • Name: Jo
  • Nationality: English
  • Member since: March 2024

Hi, I’m Jo and after taking early retirement in August 2023 myself, my husband and our little dog set off in our motorhome from Ironbridge, making our way to Spain via many other places! We finally landed in Quesada in January 2024 and became full time residents. I had been part of a musical theatre company in Birmingham for 9 years and knew that it would be something I was really going to miss! With that in mind, I had already contacted Studio 32 and joined the week after we arrived. It was there that I met my lovely friend Keeley who said that she had joined CBS and I should come along to a rehearsal because it was so much fun and they were a really friendly, welcoming bunch of people. I went along the following week and have been loving my Wednesday afternoon sing along ever since! I have attended 4 concerts so far and am looking forward to many more! We have the most amazing MDs, Martin and Laura, who both bring a wealth of experience to impart to us and I’m sure that in their capable hands, CBS is going to go from strength to strength!

  • Name: Rio
  • Nationality: Irish
  • Member since: Jan-2024

I was born in London to Irish parents who moved back to live in Ireland when I was 4yrs old when I started school in Ireland with a London cockney accent which was quickly knocked out of me 😃
I sang as a teenager in the 80’s at home in front of the mirror with rollers & glitter in my hair full of dreams. In secondary school I was in the choir singing mostly in church on Sunday and at various school shows & performances. I always loved music and dance but when I finished school & college that was where it finished for me at that time.
In 1990 I got married to my husband Tom and we lived and worked in Ireland and the UK. I worked in a variety of roles in customer service, marketing & admin.
& later we had our own business for a few years and more recently I worked with an audiology company.
My hobbies include travelling the world exploring, walking, cooking, wine tasting and socialising. In 2018, I was diagnosed with Cancer, and that changed my life completely.
Thankfully that is all in the past now and I am grateful for everyday and I am loving & living life to the full. In Dec 2023 I was at Consum Square in La Marina Urbanisation where the Costa Blanca Singers were doing a Christmas performances. I was listening and amazed and blown away by their beautiful singing.
I introduced myself to Lonee and joined the group in January 2024.
We meet on a Wednesday afternoons and I absolutely love the fun, laughters and comeradery we have as a group but most of all I have made great new friends and Wednesday is a highlight in my week. Costa Blanca Singers is very much a team with Lonée at the helm and our MD Martin who is so talented both as a solo singer and as MD. I am delighted to be part of this group and I have taken part in 3 public performances and enjoyed every minute and above all we have raised funds & supported local charities providing much needed assistance.

  • Name: Keeley
  • Nationality: English
  • Member since: March 2024

I joined the Costa Blanca Singers after my friend Marianne encouraged me to give it a try. I was very nervous at first, but once I arrived I felt very welcome. Everyone was so lovely. I’ve performed 4 times so far with the group, and I’m really looking forward to us singing some festive songs in the winter. I always loved performing as a child, and was in a youth theatre group outside of school. I also did A Level Theatre Studies aged 18. I wanted to be an actress growing up, but I knew it wasn’t exactly a stable job. I couldn’t cope with possible rejection, so I ended up in Insurance! In my 30’s I had a fun career working away at sea on cruise ships for P & O cruises. I worked as an Entertainment Officer, hosting deck sports and quizzes in the day, game shows and karaoke at night time. I absolutely loved my job, sometimes I had to sing karaoke to fill in the time if there weren’t many takers. I’ve never had much confidence in my voice though, so usually had to have a glass of wine to give me courage! The good thing about being in the Costa Blanca Singers is that I can sing in a group with confidence, and I don’t feel pressured to do any solo songs. I’m so in awe of the solo singers that perform with us, they’re all amazing.

  • Name: Geoff & Annette
  • Nationality: English
  • Member since: Oct-2023

Geoff and I joined CBS in October last year after Lucy, our dear friend, invited us to try an afternoon. We found everyone so very welcoming and decided to join.  We are both Yorkshire folk. Geoff from Townville, Castleford and me from Doncaster. Twenty years before moving to Spain we lived in a small village called Hemingbrough which is near York.  Geoff was a store clerk and I was a nurse at York Hospital.  I had been part of a charity singing group in our village and was also in the chorus line of GOADS, an amateur dramatic society in Goole.  Geoff had only ever sung Karaoke so I was very surprised when he agreed to join. Like me, Geoff now just loves singing with such a happy and kind group of people, who have now become our friends. Geoff and I both have health issues and singing has made such a difference. It is known that singing increases the levels of oxytocin, the hormone associated with happiness and well being and is certainly working for both of us.   We have taken part in several CBS charity events,  but the best one of all was the El Raso, fund raising event for the Ukranian refugees. It was wonderful to take part in such a special afternoon. I will never forget how 4 of our men carried me on to the stage in my wheel chair. I was quite prepared to just sit in the audience but this was not a consideration and I was made to feel a valid member by such care and thoughtfulness. This is how wonderful all the members of the CBS are.  In 1974 Geoff left the army where he was a store clerk, and returned to his hometown of Pontefract where I had moved to in January to train as a nurse. We met in July 1975 when I picked him up off the floor in a local pub. Three weeks later he asked me to marry him. In September we will celebrate 48 years of marriage. God certainly knew what He was doing when He led us to each other. We have been blessed with a wonderful family, two children, Johnathan 44 and Helen 42, 4 grandchildren and 3 step grandchildren whose ages range from 18 down to 5. We decided to retire early and move to Spain in 2005 and have lived in San Fulgencio village since 2010. We both have a strong faith and God and our church are a big part of our lives. Geoff has been the Church Warden for two years now and is doing a grand job.  As you all know, being so far away from family is never easy but we have wonderful church friends who have become our second family and now the CBS have become our third family. We are so grateful for the  kindness and friendship shown to us. Our  MDs Martin and Laura encourage us and give us confidence and there are others who work hard to make it all possible. 

  • Name: Marianne
  • Nationality: Dutch
  • Member since: Sep-2023

I have always loved to sing and entertain and in my earlier years I sang in Dutch in my home country. I also sang in local bars with a partner who played guitar. This was never for money but for locals to enjoy something different and we would be paid in kind with drinks and snacks. That was always great fun and I am now on the look out for someone who may want to sing with me here in and around La Marina in that same way.
Up until September 2023, I had been coming to the area for 18 years as I had a holiday apartment in La Mata and then last year my husband Ton and I took this one step further and bought our house here in La Marina. We have moved here now with our little dog Bella. As soon as we arrived, my new friend Debbie told me about the Costa Blanca Singers and I went along with her. I knew straight away that this was right for me as the group has so many benefits. The main thing for me is it is a social club where the young and old can all be involved and whether someone is a great singer or not, it doesn’t matter as everyone always joins in. It doesn’t matter who you are or what country you’re from. The welcome is immediate. I have been encouraged to sing a solo part in Dutch and the song I chose was “Leef”. The singers joined in with the chorus. That was my favourite song when we all sang this April on the El Raso outdoor stage. There were many people from different countries and many of the audience were Dutch and they all joined in to sing “Leef”. It was wonderful. Then many also danced around the stadium. What fun we had. I have already sung in six performances with The Costa Blanca Singers, my favourite being when we raised money for The Royal British Legion in Entre Naranjos near Vistabella Golf. I was moving around the guests encouraging them to join in and sing along with us. It is very important for me to meet people and I have made new friendships and through my friends at CBS, I have been introduced to other groups enabling me to spread my wings. Through these new friends, I was encouraged to go along to a Studio32 open evening. That’s another group of fun people. I joined and have now already had my debut in my first musical theatre show. This is possibly one of the closest things that I do here to our Dutch tradition of celebrating every year with three days ( we make it five) of carnival, wearing fabulous costumes, amazing make up, singing and dancing and, also with a singing competition. Each year, someone writes a song for me to sing. The carnival season starts on November 11th. This is the run up to carnivals with various festivities and the carnival itself is usually six weeks before Easter and then this party officially lasts for three days.
So, having great friends is very important to me especially now that Ton and I have moved to Spain. I found this from day one with the CBS. It is a great way to meet new people.

  • Name: Zara
  • Nationality: English
  • Member since: Feb-2024

I joined CBS in March after encouragement from a friend in the choir. I have always enjoyed singing but have never sang in front of anyone else until the choir so I feel a great sense of achievement since joining. Everyone was so welcoming and friendly. I enjoy the international feel of the choir and singing songs in different languages but my favourite thing is how singing in this group makes me feel so happy!

  • Name: Mags
  • Nationality: English
  • Member since: Sep-2022

It is 16 years ago that on a Sunday morning I woke up and said to my husband John, “Let’s buy a bigger house or move to Spain”. I had absolutely no idea why this came to me. It just did. It didn’t take too long to decide it was to be Spain. We took a trip on with one of the companies who would show people around areas and show houses that were for sale. Our decision was more or less instant. Two weeks later we had bought our house in La Marina and remain in it to this day. At that time, my daughter Ruth was already in Spain, although not local to La Marina. She was travelling around the Malaga area mostly around the mountains. Eventually, she would move to La Marina and it is wonderful having her close by.
Previously, I had only ever sung in school assemblies and always on a form bench to avoid the floor.
In my early adult years, I was often involved with groups as treasurer or selling tickets around the village. Now, I like to take a back seat with this as there are plenty others to do these things now.
I always join groups to meet people, not necessarily to sing. I first joined the Sunshine Singers and then when The Costa Blanca Singers first started in September of 2022, I joined. There are all age groups which is good. I really enjoy our socials and talking to people although we can be inclined to sit with people we know. It would be good to mingle more.
Since joining CBS, I have sung in every public performance and singing last Christmas at The Bar Guadarmar Park was my favourite. It was brilliant and the people there were so very friendly.
Our MD’s Martin and Laura are marvelous and bring so much to us. They also bring out the very best in us which is so important.

  • Name: Wendy
  • Nationality: English
  • Member since: Sep-2022

My husband Richard and I had been married for 28 years when we made the decision to move to Spain. That was back in 2001. In preparation, Richard had learnt to speak Spanish and we chose La Marina as our destination. We were both trained as scuba divers and intended to do this locally. We had been here for 10 days when Richard took ill and died very suddenly at our new home. Clearly this was such a shock and being so new to the area, the only people I knew were the estate agents and our lawyer. They were the people who helped me in those first few weeks. I made the decision to stay in Spain for 12 months to see how I would get on. I stayed and have no regrets. My neighbours at the time were Italian, French and Spanish and we all got by very well. When able, I decided to join clubs to meet people and start my new chapter. First, I joined a computer club and then in 2004, I joined The Cardenal Belluga Theatre group and The Cantarbalis Ladies Choir. I was in theatre until the group had to fold post covid there were only 8 members left and not enough members to put on a show. It was the same with The Cantarbalis Ladies Choir. It was such a shame as I have always been a timid person, always nervous. The singing gave me confidence and so I looked for another group to sing with. I joined the Sunshine Singers. Then in September 2022, The Costa Blanca Singers were launched. I went along to one of the information afternoons having been encouraged by my friends Nadine and Yvonne. I joined immediately and have been singing with them ever since. I have been in every public performance except The International Day and this was because of a bad knee. I have enjoyed every performance. Considering the size of the group now, it remains a caring group of people and I have never heard anyone speak ill of anyone else. Everyone wants to help each other. I have always joined groups to meet people, not necessarily for the singing. I really enjoy our social gatherings. It’s a chance to get to know others and it’s also good to mingle.
This is a long way from my very early years. My brother and I were adopted into a loving family but our mother was always sick. I learnt from an early age how to look after others. I was quite terrified of life because deep down, I feared failure. Divorce from my first husband changed all of that. My love was swimming and in particular, teaching children to swim. I used to swim 4 miles a day and could swim one mile in 26 minutes. I have wonderful memories of all of this. We were also required to learn the skills of life saving, first aid and defibrillator training which we had to renew every six weeks. Having started as a typist and leisure assistant, I rose within the leisure industry to become the Leisure Centre Manager with 30 staff for 33 years.
My claim to fame is when Anita Lonsbrough swam 200 metres in 2 minutes 41 seconds in the 1960 Olympics, I swam 200 yards in 2 minutes 41 seconds.
And now I have The Costa Blanca singers as my friends and it is a lovely feeling. My thanks go to our MD’s for getting us to where we are today, the fantastic Lonée for her full on love and energy and all the other genuine people behind the scenes.

  • Name: Debbie
  • Nationality: English
  • Member since: Sep-2022

I suppose you could call me a bit of a global citizen really, born in Canada, raised in Romsey/Portsmouth/Winchester until at 16 I left the U.K. with my family for Qatar ( a much different Qatar than it is today) Took a year and a half out to study hairdressing in Brighton 1981-82.…what a time to be in Brighton…
After a few years back in Qatar, I met my husband to be, moved to Taiz in Yemen, Riyadh in Saudi, Sanaa in Yemen, Al Khobar in Saudi, Connecticut in the USA then back to Oxfordshire in the UK.
FF a few years and after a hideously unexpected divorce I decided to take myself back to college to retrain as a make-up artist. I spent 18 years building up a very successful business in t.v., film, editorial, I had a few front covers and used to answer bridal beauty questions in a bridal magazine. I have done work for search and rescue creating some fabulous special effects, compound fractures, open wounds etc. but the bulk of my work was bridal. I enjoyed every moment but as any sole trader will tell you, it’s really tough! During this time I volunteered at a cancer charity as head of the beauty department, such an important part of a persons cancer journey, we were given the Queens award for volunteering. Something of which I am very proud!
When my sister said that she and her husband were retiring and moving to their home in Spain, I decided that was the life for me. I knew La Marina as I had been coming here for 25 years on holidays and as my sons were both living and working abroad, the choice was actually between Kingsbridge in Devon and La Marina. The latter won due to more favourable weather conditions!
With so much time on my hands, I decided to go back to my old love of jewellery making, I now make beaded and resin jewellery which I sell both privately and at craft shows, quite often I am commissioned by somebody who needs something particular to go with an outfit or a piece for a special occasion or as a gift. I also paint in watercolour which I love to do but at the moment the jewellery has taken over. Give me anything crafty and I can usually do it.
When I moved to La Marina I really wanted to join a singing group, not necessarily a choir, I don’t think my voice would stretch to that, so when I found Costa Blanca singers, it was the perfect fit. I have met so many lovely people, the group really is so friendly and caring, not to mention a huge amount of fun.
One last exciting thing, when I went back to Qatar after Brighton, I helped to set up a hair and beauty salon for Shell oil. Tina Turner was doing a tour of the Middle East and one of her dates was at the club. I assisted Tina’s wig mistress and was there at fittings…….I spoke to that beautiful, courageous legend!

  • Name: Gill
  • Nationality: English
  • Member since: Sep-2022

My partner & I retired in 2009. We regularly holidayed in Spain renting at various areas on the Costa Blanca. In 2011 we bought our a small holiday home in Los Balcones, this eventually proved to be far too small for my partners tools & my clothes! We then moved to a village called Torremendo where Terry, my partner renovated it , but it was time to move again as it was too quiet. La Marina had always been a favourite of ours and here we are! I’d only ever sang at karaoke and that was because I got dragged up one time (reluctantly) but I got the bug and when I met Lonée about three years ago and she mentioned she was going to start a singing group, I thought I’d give it a go. I’ve never looked back. It’s a friendly, non competitive & helpful group. We sing a lot and laugh a lot. I love that we raise money for local charities and we have a great team leading us too!
I think my favourite performance was for the Elche children’s home and then their administrator, Joy came to a rehearsal and we presented them with a cheque for 500 euros. I really felt for those kids.
The first performance I did with The Costa Blanca Singers was nerve wracking but we’re old pros now.

  • Name: Nick
  • Nationality: English
  • Member since: Sep-2022

Nick comes from a musical background. He loves to sing and feels at home with the Costa Blanca Singers. His father was church organist so as soon as Nick had a voice, he sang in the church choir. However, Nick’s solo performance was at the age of five, singing: WHEN SANTA GOT STUCK UP THE CHIMNEY, in the school nativity play. He says: “I can still remember that moment, staring into the audience and seeing their faces looking back at me. I was very nervous but I did it.”
Nick is the youngest of five children, two sisters and two brothers. His eldest sister by sixteen years became a ballerina in the Royal Ballet. Nick went on to say: “Mother loved dancing and insisted we all attend dance lessons, which we did, and we enjoyed it. However, when my two brothers grew up, they joined the army whereas I went to ballet school.”
Nick followed in his eldest sister’s footsteps and won a scholarship to the Royal Ballet. He loved it but sadly, due to injury, his time was short-lived. It would be a further four years before his legs recovered and he was able to return to dancing. Despite loving ballet, this was no longer possible, but he could tap dance and has appeared in many musicals since.
His other sister, who sang in the church choir with him became a singing teacher. Along with their dad, she could also play the piano, the organ, the violin and the clarinet. Nick says: “I love to sing so was very grateful when she gave me singing lessons. We often sang together but she was much better than me.”
Nick knew he would dread his dancing years coming to an end. With this in mind, he decided to write novels as a theatrical replacement. He currently has six novels on Amazon and on Kindle. And there are more to follow. He writes under the pseudonym P.T.BLENCOE because there is another author with his name. He has also turned his novel BLOSSOMS INCOGNITO into a musical called: SHIP AHOY! Hopefully, one day his musical will be performed.

Come back again later as we will be adding more stories!