Frequently asked questions

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Who are the Costa Blanca Singers and what are their aims?

The Costa Blanca Singers were established in September 2022. The intention from the offset was to create a fun and friendly group who could enjoy singing in a relaxed atmosphere with likeminded people, to develop friendships and to share the pure enjoyment of singing as a group. The Costa Blanca Singers are a non-profit making group who donate to local causes.

Where and when do you meet?

You will find us every Wednesday singing from 2-4pm at The Social Centre in La Marina urbanizacion. San Fulgencio. We encourage members to arrive from 1.30 to allow setting up and a prompt start at 2pm.

Do you close for holiday times or a summer break?

No. We sing every Wednesday including holiday times such as red days. On red days, we have an alternative meeting place.

I’m not sure if I can sing. Can I come along and try it out?

Absolutely yes. Many people either think they can’t sing or are shy at singing with others. You can come along and sit or hide at the back to see what you make of it. You’ll never discover whether you can sing unless you give it a go.

Will I have to sing solo or audition?

No. We do not audition potential members. We are a fun and friendly group who, quite simply put, enjoy singing. There is never any form of pressure.

Can I just turn up?

Yes. Every Wednesday is an open rehearsal and you will be made most welcome.

My first language is not English. Can I still join?

Yes. You will be welcome. Some of our members are from other countries.

Do you sing any songs in languages other than English?

Occasionally yes. We rehearsed and sang ‘Leef’ and ‘La det Swinge’ at recent performances.

What type of songs do you sing?

In a nutshell. A vast variety. Group members make suggestions and from that, we choose.
As examples, our latest spring set included,
Rule the World,
These Boots are made for walking,
River Deep, Mountain High.
Don’t you Want Me,
Beatles Medley,
He Ain’t Heavy,
Make you own Kind of Music,
Tell me MA,
La det Swinge,
Only You. For performances geared at certain themes, e.g. Christmas, we include songs more relevant for the occasion.

How much talent is there in CBS? What is the minimal standard?

Between our Musical Director & Assistant Musical Director, they have extensive musical knowledge, experience and ability. Within the members, there is a range from many years of experience & talent, through to first time singers. Everyone has equal importance and all members encourage each other to reach full potential.

What form do rehearsals take?

The warm up is 5/10 minutes and varies from week to week. Rehearsals are also different. There may be new songs to assess for inclusion. We may revisit previous songs or we may be preparing for performances and at that time, we focus on our chosen set.
Several components are always present……Fun, laughter, encouragement and friendship.

I don’t live in Spain. Can I still join?

Yes. Absolutely. Most members attend weekly, however, others live elsewhere and attend when living locally.

Can I bring my family/friends when they are visiting me?

The short answer is yes. But…….Be prepared…..They may want to visit you more often!

Is this a serious or fun group?

The answer to this has to be both. We are serious about having fun together and our fabulous Musical Directors will bring out the best in you.

Would joining CBS be a good way of meeting new people

Absolutely. Not only do we sing but we also have social events 3/4 times a year. This may be in the form of a meal and a party, the CBS anniversary event (every September), or a more casual event for example Christmas eve drinks or social gathering.

What is the age group of members?

From 30’s, right through to 80’s. Yes. That’s correct. No misprint here.

Do I have to read music?

No. This is not necessary.

Do I have to sing in public?

No. All of our public performances are optional. Although we have frequent requests to sing at events, the main priority on Wednesday afternoons is to sing and have fun and laughter.

Are there any fees for membership?

There is no charge on your first visit. Thereafter, members pay 5 euros per session.

Where does my 5 euros go?

The Costa Blanca Singers are a non-profit making group. Expenses incurred to run the group are vigilantly accounted for and all profits are donated to local charitable causes.

How do you choose who to donate to?

Suggestions are discussed and The Costa Blanca Singers vote on who receives donations.

How do I book a CBS event?

You can ask any member and they will put your suggestion forward to The Costa Blanca Singers co-ordinator and organiser, Lonée or you can WhatsApp Lonée (button at the bottom of the page), or use the contactform to write us an email

Can someone from CBS be booked to give a talk to a local group?

Yes. WhatsApp Lonée to describe what you are looking for.

Can I join now?

Yes. See you on Wednesday!

Do I need to bring anything with me?

Yes. Bring a pen, pencil, water and your enthusiasm.

I have another question which is not on the list

Please WhatsApp Lonée or use our contactform